Satellite Symposia Sessions

You need to register in advance as part of the registration for the conference, if you have already registered for the conference, you can log in and update your selection.

Registration is free of charge and open to physicians only (except for the Sanford T. Colb & Co. Session, which is open to all).

Register now


Lunch: MTE Sessions Session/Topic Date Type of Session Logo
Sanford T. Colb & Co. Lunch Session How to make friends and infringe patents 9/12; 12:30-13:40 Hall H
Abbott Defining success in SH procedures – patient reported outcomes matters 10/12; 12:30-13:40 Hall H Abbott
BSC + Medtechnica Importance of valve implant optimization to secure immediate and future outcomes 9/12; 12:30-13:40 Hall I Medtechnica
Abbott Meet the Expert Session Assessing Microvascular Function for INOCA/ANOCA Patients considering New ESC Guidelines: How & Why? 9/12; 10:30-11:30 room 5
Abbott Meet the Expert Session New ESC Guidelines: To Image or not to Image in Complex PCI; Is this the question now? 10/12; 10:30-11:30 room 5 HeartFlow
Heartflow+ Tzamal Revolutionizing PCI Planning with the HeartFlow Analysis: Prime time for AI in the Cathlab 9/12; 12:30-13:40 room 4 HeartFlowTzamal
Medtronic Treating Hypertension is a team effort 10/12; 12:30-13:40 room 4
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