Professor of Cardiology and Director of the Department of Cardiology at Fujita Health University Hospital School of Medicine, Japan
Prof. Yukio Ozaki is an interventional cardiologist with his CITATION INDEX; 16,457 and h-INDEX; 46. He is the first Japanese fellow under Prof. Patrick Serruys, he defended thesis concerning “IVUS and QCA to Assess PCI and Atherosclerosis” at Erasmus Univ. While he firstly proposed OCT intact fibrous caps (IFC-ACS) as plaque erosion (EHJ 2011), Drs. Ozaki, Motoyama and Jagat Narula reported CT-angio positive remodeling and soft plaque can predict the future ACS (JACC 2007, JACC 2009, JACC 2015). While he wrote CVIT consensus on PCI for AMI, he was Co-PI in MASTER DAPT study (NEJM 2021).