Sondergaard Lars

Lars Sondergaard, MD, DMSc, FESC


Job Titles:

Consultant Cardiologist, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark

Professor of Cardiology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark



Graduate in 1988 from University of Copenhagen. Trained in cardiology at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, as well as Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children and The Heart Hospital in London. Special interest in congenital and structural heart diseases, particular interventional procedures. Led the first-in-human transcatheter mitral valve replacement in 2012. Furthermore, first-in-human implantation for the Gore Septal Occluder for device closure of ASD and PFO (WL Gore & Ass.) in 2011, Inter Atrial Septal Device (Corvia) for HFpEF in 2012, Hydra THV (SMT) for transcatheter aortic valve replacement in 2013, Omega (Eclipse Medical) for left atrial appendage closure in 2019, and MonarQ THV for transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement in2022.

Professor of Cardiology at University of Copenhagen since 2015. His thesisQuantitative assessment of aortic regurgitation and stenosis using magnetic resonance velocity mapping: Technical aspects and clinical evaluation’ was awarded with a DMSc degree from University of Copenhagen. Published 600 peer-reviewed articles, and 18 textbook chapters. Principal supervisor for 15 PhD theses. His research interests are focused on adults with congenital heart diseases and catheter-based heart valve interventions. Lead principal investigator for several randomized clinical trials including the TEMPO trial (Bosentan in patients with univentricular hearts palliated with Fontan circulation), the NOTION-1 and NOTION-2 trials (investigating the role of transcatheter aortic valve implantation in younger, lower risk patients with aortic stenosis), NOTION-3 randomised trial (coronary re-vascularization before TAVI), NOTION-4 randomised trial (long-term impact of subclinical leaflet thrombosis), the REDUCE randomised trial (PFO vs anti-platelet therapy after cryptogenic stroke), and the GALILEO 4D trial (effect of anti-coagulation versus anti-platelet on subclinical leaflet thrombosis after TAVI). Guest editor-in-chief for JACC Cardiovascular Intervention, deputy editor for EuroIntervention, and associated editor for International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease.

  • Location: Denmark
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